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English Corner: Men And Women

作者: | 时间:2013-06-06 | 点击:

By XU Cuimei

The English Corner was held on 29th of May in the Library. Even though today was very hot, many students had been looking forward to the arrival of the foreign teachers before six o’clock. Later, the overseas teachers, namely Mr. Tim Musgrave, Mr. Chris Dockstader, Mr. Leck Wall and Mr. Stephen Keen came to the Library. Topic of today’s English Corner is “Men and women”.

When it came to the topic of men and women, Mr. Leck Wall had his own opinion. He explained that in US, both men and women knew how to cook for themselves because they were taught to be independent at an early age and cooking was an essential skill for human beings. And when he came to China, he noticed that the situation was different. Most women are good at cooking and lots of them stay at home doing all the housework. On the contrary, men are only responsible for working outside. A girl proudly mentioned that her father could cook different kinds of dishes. And nowadays there are more and more women working. Mr. Tim Musgrave mentioned that at the beginning of the 20th century, western countries started to treat men and women equally. Women are accepted to have education so that the opportunities in having their own career continues to increase in society. At the same time, there are lots of outstanding achievements made by women such as the British Prime Minister Mrs. Thatcher.

Every time the students came to English Corner, learning all kinds of new things outside China is the biggest harvest that English Corner offers.

下一篇:A Lecture: living and studying in Japan 上一篇:A Lecture: Hyde-ing the problem

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