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SFL Holds Teaching Contest of 2012

作者: | 时间:2012-05-04 | 点击:

At 7:30 p.m. on April 26, the teaching contest of the School of Foreign Languages of 2012 was held in Liyun A208. Five teachers took part in this contest.

During the contest, a presentation was made by each contestant within 20 minutes. After the presentation, the judges asked some relative questions or gave some suggestions for the teacher.

Every teacher tried their best to show their special teaching styles, rational or emotional, logical or interesting. All of them had their own unique opinions and effective methods on teaching. With the sufficient preparation, they all made a good performance.

Ms. Wu Wenxia thought it was important to consider students'' practical language skills and focused on the Key points and difficulties; Ms. He Bei, teacher of Japanese, made it a rule to ask students to finish the exercise before classes; Ms. Linda Visner came up with her unique teaching method of a student expo; Dr. Terry Shortall preferred a relaxed atmosphere and made full use of his expertise as a linguist; Mr. Charlie Reis who teaches English Journalism emphasized the key factors in news, the seven Ws, including what, when, who, why, where, how, kwai (how much money).

Ms. He Bei got the first prize, Ms. Linda Visner and Ms. Wu Wenxia the second prize, and Dr. Terry Shortall and Mr. Charlie Reis the third prize.

下一篇:A Lecture: New Zealand - the Enz of the Earth 上一篇:Thesis Defense for English Majors of 2012

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