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BNUZ Movie Nights: Scrooge

作者: | 时间:2011-12-16 | 点击:

By Guo Rui

At 7 p.m. on December 15th, Mr. Tim Musgrave held the eleventh movie night in Liyun A211. Mr. Stephen Glenn Keen and Miss Amy Van Gundy also attended this activity.

For Christmas is coming around, "Scrooge" was showed this week. Mr. Tim told students that this movie, a screen adaptation of Charles Dickens'' A Christmas Carol, played an important role in western countries, and majority channels broadcasted it at Christmas day. So far Scrooge had six versions; the movie of tonight was the newest version.

This movie is about a cold-hearted, tight-fisted rich man, Mr. Scrooge. He despises Christmas which is regarded as an excuse for escaping jobs by him. However, he is visited by the three Ghosts of Christmas on Christmas Eve. After the unforgettable journey with the Ghosts, he finally becomes a good man with the understanding of the essence of Christmas and the redemption of himself. This movie reminds people to keep kindness and mercy, and to put love in your heart.

At the end of the movie, students all applauded to show their approval to it. Mr. Tim Musgrave and students said Merry Christmas to each other. And this movie night ended in a warm and jolly atmosphere.

下一篇:BNUZ Movie Nights: The Italian Job 上一篇:Delegation from Southern Medical University Visits BNUZ

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