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作者: | 时间:2011-11-09 | 点击:

时间:11月17日 星期四晚上7:00-8:30


题目:What We Talk About When We Talk About Zombies

演讲人:Charlie Reis

Charlie Reis is a lecturer in the School of Foreign Languages. He came to BNUZ from Boricua College in New York City, where he worked as an English professor. He holds a MA in Education from Pace University and a BA from the University of Oregon, where his love of cultural criticism began.


What does it mean that we are telling ourselves zombie stories now? I asked myself this question a few years ago when I began seeing lots of zombie movies, descriptions, and even rock stars. It didn''t make sense to me that people were interested in these monsters. They don''t have much personality. They aren''t romantic or sexy the way vampires can be. So why are there so many zombies around, and what does it mean?

People show their character in what they fear. Zombies, better than any other monster, show us what we fear. They show us a picture of the world that is becoming more and more inhuman and reflect global problems that are becoming more and more real to us.

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