时间:4月12日 星期四晚上7:00-8:30
题目: Dream Your Way To Reality
演讲人:Dr. Jonathan Ogden
Jonathan holds a BA in Psychology and Education, a Master of Science in Global and International Education and a Doctorate in Administration. He and his wife Lily are from Canada, though Jonathan is a US Citizen. He has also taught in South Korea and Mexico.
One of my dreams for years was to stand on the Great Wall. I wasn''t sure when I would stand there or how. One day that dream became a reality.
Dreams are not just what we experience when we sleep. Dreams are the core of who we are. Dreams are all those things we hold close in our hearts and want to see happen in our life. The key is figuring out how to take those dreams and bring them into reality. Come and find out how your dreams can come alive and not just be a wishful thought.