2016-2017-1外籍教师系列讲座第一场将于下周二(9. 27)晚7点举行
时间:9月27日 星期二晚上7:00-8:30
地点: 乐育楼C204
题目:How Can We Cultivate Learning Communities?
演讲人:Mr. David Koenig
David Koenig is in his first semester as an English teacher at BNUZ, after teaching for more than three years at BNU in Beijing. He is originally from Summit, NJ, USA. His primary professional experience before coming to China to teach was as an English teacher at a Japanese high school. His professional interests include realizing human potential, and organizational learning. David is here with his wife, who is from Sichuan province, and he is excited about doing his best to make a positive meaningful difference here at BNUZ.
David''s lecture topic is "How Can We Cultivate Learning Communities?" A learning community is simply "any community that has the capacity and a good reason to learn." Examples include hospitals, companies, and charities. Do you think BNUZ qualifies? David will present some background about learning communities, what problems can arise in them, and how cultivating learning in them can help discover solutions that raise everyone''s quality of life.