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作者: | 时间:2014-10-23 | 点击:

时间:10月29日 星期三晚上7:30-9:00


题目:Language Endangerment and the Documentation of Endangered Languages

演讲人:Dr. Aviva Shimelman

Aviva holds a PhD in Linguistics – granted by Université Laval (Canada) – and an MA in Political Science – granted by the University of California, Berkeley (USA). Her current work involves the documentation of endangered languages. She recently completed a three-year project in Peru, working with speakers of a Quechuan language called Yauyos; she has also worked in New Caledonia with speakers of a Wallic language called Arho.


It is estimated that one-half of the world''s 6000 languages will disappear by the end of this century; consequently, many linguists now work to preserve these languages in cooperation with their remaining speakers. This work involves writing grammars and dictionaries as well as making -- and transcribing/translating -- extensive audio and video recordings of them. She will talk about -- and show a few minutes of videos from -- a three-year project that she recently completed with speakers of the Quechuan language, Yauyos, in Peru.

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