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2015-2016-2外籍教师系列讲座第五场将于第十六周周一(6. 13)晚7点举行

作者: | 时间:2016-06-06 | 点击:

时间:6月13日 星期一晚上7:00-8:30

地点: 丽泽楼C108

题目:Philadelphia: Birthplace of America

演讲人:Mr. Robert Kerry Mateja

Robert Mateja is an English teacher from the United States. He is a native of Philadelphia, where he studied World History at Saint Joseph’s University. This is his first semester at BNUZ and first time living in China. Previously, he taught in South Korea and Chile. Now he is thoroughly engaged with his academic work at this university, as well as his Mandarin language studies.


The New York Times last year named Philadelphia, USA the Number 3 travel destination in the entire world. We will discuss its history from the 18th century colonial era, as the nation''s first capital and the birthplace of independence from Britain. We will explore its development as a major industrial city at the heart of a growing economic power. Finally, we will learn about its diverse culture and popular tourist attractions today, from the Art Museum to the South Street shopping district.

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