硕士 副教授
发表的学术论文涉及大学英语教学及汉英对比。主要学术论文:“师专的大学英语课教学实践与改革刍议”(东疆学刊1995第4期);“论大学英语教与学中的激励策略与非智力因素”(外语教学2009年专刊);“英、汉、朝、日宾语对比” (延边大学学报2002年第3期);“以12生肖为例对比汉英动物词语” (广西社会科学2006第1期);“汉英实物颜色词色系与来源对比” (广西社会科学2006第6期);“汉英实物颜色词语法特征对比研究” (外语教学2006年专刊);“汉语合成词与英语复合词构词类型对比”(广西社会科学2007年第3期)。
Lv Hongbo, associate professor, has a Master’s degree from Yanbian University and a Bachelor’s degree from Jilin Normal University. She taught College English courses for undergraduates and postgraduates in Teaching and Research Department of Foreign Languages of Yanbian University from the year 1990 to 2003. She has been teaching College English and related courses in the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Beijing Normal University at zhuhai since 2003. Her research interests are in applied linguistics and comparative study of Chinese and English. She has so far published more than 20 articles. Her major works include On Teaching Experience and Reform Suggestions on College English, Comparative Study of Animal Words in Chinese and English, Comparative Study of Objects in English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese, and so on.