Li Lei, lecturer, received her B.A. as a major of English education from School of Foreign Languages, Henan University(1998--2002), and her M.A. in English literature from School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University(2002--2005), where she was thrilled to study under Associate Professor He Jiaxiang, with whose guidance she learned about, among others, Terry Eagleton’s literary criticism, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida and their postmodernist theory, and Judith Butler’s theory of gender study afterwards. Her thesis rereads Virginia Woolf ‘s novel Orlando in the light of Judith Butler’s theory of gender study as illustrated especially in her early work Gender Trouble that gender is performative in nature. She has been teaching as a full time member of the Faculty of Foreign Languages since 2005 and is currently director of College English Department, responsible for the arrangement and overseeing of regular teaching of College English as an obligatory course among the first and second year non-English majors in Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Campus. Courses taught by her include College English, Active Skills for Reading (for English majors), Reading of English Print News Media (for English majors), English Pronunciation and Intonation (for non-English majors), English Journal Writing for majors in Journalism and Communication (bilingual course) and English for Graphic Design majors. In her spare time she enjoys reading, watching movie and listening to music. She has a keen eye for pop culture among college students and embraces it in her teaching as much as possible. Her major research interests lie in Virginia Woolf, British modern feminist literature, postmodernist gender study and queer theory, functional linguistics, critical discourse analysis and discourse analysis of news media. She has published a book, How to Make Friends, Develop and Reinforce Your Friendship in English (2006), by Guangdong Education Publishing House.