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A Lecture:Individualism

作者: | 时间:2011-12-02 | 点击:

By Wu Qianwen

At 7:00 p.m. on December 1st, the seventh lecture was held by School of Foreign Languages in Lize C202. Mr. Gregory Lawrence Smart, who holds BA and MA degrees in English Literature from York University in Canada, gave a lecture entitled Individualism.

At the beginning, Mr. Gregory Lawrence Smart asked a question: Was the power of society limited or unlimited? And he answered it by comparing individualism with collectivism, which led to the topic "individualism". From the Protestant Reformation to the Great French Revolution, Mr. Smart introduced the origin of individualism in the western history. Then, he talked about the differences between western countries and China from the individualism aspect, including personal space, education, art, and so on. During the lecture, he listed a lot of experience in daily life which contributed to the easy understanding of students.

Finally, students asked many questions about this topic actively, and Mr. Gregory Lawrence Smart answered them in details, which won a big round of applause from students.

下一篇:A Lecture:What We Talk about When We Talk about Zombies 上一篇:BNUZ Movie Nights: Ocean's Eleven

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