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Meeting for the Reporter Group of FFL

作者: | 时间:2011-03-17 | 点击:

Meeting for the Reporter Group of FFL

By Shi Hantian

At 3:00 P.M. on March 14th, 2011, Professor Tao Wenhao, dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL), BNUZ held a meeting for the Reporter Group of the Faculty. Ms Xie Wenting, vice dean of the faculty, attended the meeting.

Professor Tao pointed out that there was lack of English news from the faculty and he encouraged all the reporters to write more English news. Based on the questions and answers in the meeting, the following decisions are made: to each member of the group, a certificate is to be issued, all the activities of FFL are to be reported by the members of the Reporter Group of the Faculty instead of those from other divisions; a lecture is to be organized to improve writing skills of English news written by the Reporter Group of the Faculty.

Professor Tao and Ms Xie also emphasized some other points such as reporting in time, etc. This meeting is an excellent bridge between the leaders of the faculty and the Reporter Group.

下一篇:A Lecture: ‘Reality TV - the death of light entertainment?’ 上一篇:Meeting on Career Guidance of FFL

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