By ZENG Jingqi
At 7 p.m. on November 6th, Mr. Brian Anderson held a lecture entitled “Going to University in the U.K.” in Leyu C102, which was the third lecture delivered by overseas teachers of SFL this term.
At the beginning, by showing a map of the U.K., Mr. Brian Anderson introduced the students to its geographical situation. And then, he introduced some famous universities including Columbia University and University of Oxford. Also, Mr. Brian Anderson compared the universities in the U.K. with those in China. For instance, classes in Chinese universities start earlier than those in U.K.. And unlike Chinese college students, students in U.K., especially young girls, are more likely to be addicted to smoking. However, according to Mr. Brian Anderson, college students in both countries shared a common ground that they both sleep during classes. At the end of the lecture, Mr. Brian Anderson answered lots of questions raised by the students patiently.